February 14, 2025


Advances in the automotive world

Children’s Book Review – Fire Trucks to the Rescue!

Every little boy wants to grow up and become a fire fighter, interestingly enough, this is so common that children’s book marketers work very hard to produce fire engine and fire fighter books. These books sell almost as well as the little toy fire engines at the stores. If you have little boys then you know this, and therefore you want to fuel their fire and desire early on to dream and think about their future. So, why not buy a children’s book that will do just that?

What if I told you that I have just the perfect book for you in mind. In fact, I have this book sitting right in front of me and I cannot believe how well it was received. As a parent you know what I mean, sometimes they like books sometimes they don’t; luckily, this one they did. The name of the book is:

“Fire Engines to the Rescue” A Little Golden Book from the little golden book series, by Janet Campbell and illustrated by Courtney Studios, with appreciation to the Joplin Missouri Fire Department. Published by Western Publishing Company, Inc. 1991. ISBN: 0-307-00306-X.

The story takes you through a normal day in the life of a fire department and then all of a sudden a huge fire breaks out. The fire fighters rush to the scene of a multi-story structure fire and start rescuing people, including a family on one of the upper stories. They save the day and then return to the station for dinner, waiting for the next call that could happen at any time.

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