January 16, 2025


Advances in the automotive world

How to Choose Your First Car: The Main Points

All of us had imagined ourselves driving the car of our dreams since we were kids. So, is it now about time to make your dream come true and get your first ride?

Buying a new car can be exciting — but also stressful! There are so many different models available, and deciding among them can seem daunting.

The first thing to remember: Don’t get carried away by thinking that your first car will be the perfect car for you. It won’t be. But if you’re able to afford it, then go ahead and buy it.

As new or used car buyers in Dubai, we get dazzled by the many options, especially in a country like UAE where you feel like you are in the car’s heaven.

Here are some tips to help make the experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

  1. Research

Do your research before making your purchase decision. Understand the pros and cons of various vehicles before settling on one. 

Start looking into what makes certain models different from others. Learn which features matter to you and which ones aren’t essential. Compare similar model cars side-by-side to find out which one is right for you.

  1. Budget

We note that the first car purchase is often done at the time of studies or a first job, therefore we have a limited budget.

However, the options are wide open with dealers and people who sell cars in Dubai at any time and in any condition.

An enthusiastic first-time owner tends to forget the additional costs: insurance, periodic maintenance and possible repairs, fuel and tolls, technical control, and parking. They all represent a significant budget that is important to take into account.

A car can be expensive, but if you are planning to spend more on repairs or replacement parts, then the cost would go higher. The best is to choose the best one with an affordable price tag.

If you’re planning to buy a new car, be sure to consider not just its price but also the true cost of owning it. 

  1. Make & Model

Before buying a new car, it’s important to consider several factors including price, size, reliability, quality, safety, fuel efficiency, warranty, and resales values. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, choose ones that meet your needs, budget, and expectations.

  1. Environment

Before buying a new car, figure out which type of driving conditions you prefer. Are you looking for something spacious enough to accommodate you and your family, but not so big that you feel cramped inside? 

Figure out the environment you’ll be using your car. Do you drive in large cities, where traffic often makes things difficult and it may take some time to find parking, or would you rather enjoy a leisurely drive through scenic roads with beautiful views outside the window?

Will you drive around town or spend lots of hours commuting every day? Is fuel efficiency something that matters to you? Will you buy gasoline frequently? 

  1. Reliability

You should consider how reliable your car is before buying it. How reliable is the manufacturer versus the aftermarket? Do they require frequent repairs? Is it likely you’ll have problems? Will the dealership honor warranty claims? Are there any known issues with the car?

  1. Safety

Make sure your automobile meets safety standards before buying. Check for a Vehicle History Report and ensure the manufacturer conducts regular inspections. Also, ask yourself whether or not you’d be comfortable driving the vehicle every day.

  1. Warranty

Ask about warranty coverage when shopping around. Some dealerships offer extended warranties to protect themselves if something goes wrong during the life of the vehicle. Also, be careful about signing anything until you read and agree to its terms.

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